Synchronization from the database runs every 3 minutes.
The status is changed once per 1 minute. During this interval the last status change action will be saved.
The bid change takes place once in 30 seconds. Within this interval the last action to change the bid will be saved.
The method provides acceptable values for the main configuration parameters of campaigns.
Maximum of 1 request per minute per one seller's account
Array of objects |
{- "config": [
- {
- "description": "Минимальный бюджет кампании",
- "name": "budget_min",
- "value": "1000"
}, - {
- "description": "Максимальный период в днях, за который можно получить статистику",
- "name": "api_fullstat_day_depth",
- "value": "31"
}, - {
- "description": "Минимальная ставка CPM для автоматической кампании",
- "name": "cpm_min_booster",
- "value": "100"
}, - {
- "description": "Минимальная ставка CPM для аукциона",
- "name": "cpm_min_search_catalog",
- "value": "150"
}, - {
- "description": "Максимальное количество товаров для аукциона",
- "name": "max_nm_count",
- "value": "50"
}, - {
- "description": "Максимальное количество товаров для автоматической кампании",
- "name": "max_auto_nms",
- "value": "100"
Creates an automatic campaign.
Maximum 1 request per 20 seconds
type | integer
name | string Campaign name (max. 128 characters) |
subjectId | integer ID of the item for which the campaign is created. |
sum | integer Top-up amount |
btype | integer
on_pause | boolean
nms | Array of integers WB articles array. |
cpm | integer Bid. |
ID of created campaign
{- "type": 8,
- "name": "Парашюты",
- "subjectId": 270,
- "sum": 500,
- "btype": 1,
- "on_pause": true,
- "nms": [
- 9178363,
- 9178364
], - "cpm": 10
Creates Auction campaign.
Maximum 5 requests per minute
campaignName | string Campaign name |
nms | Array of integers Nomenclature for this campaign. You can available nomenclatures with Nomenclatures for campaigns method. Maximum 50 products ( |
Campaign ID
{- "name": "Телефоны",
- "nms": [
- 146168367,
- 200425104
The method allows to remove campaigns in the status 4 - ready to launch.
5 requests per second are allowed.
After removing, the campaign will be in -1 status for a while.
It takes between 3 and 10 minutes to completely remove a campaign
id required | integer Campaign ID |
Invalid campaign identifier
{- "error": "Invalid campaign identifier"
The method allows to rename a campaign.
5 requests per second are allowed
advertId required | integer ID of the campaign that has the name change |
name required | string New name (max 100 characters) |
{- "advertId": 2233344,
- "name": "newnmame"
"Incorrect campaign identifier (RC ID)"
Method allows to get campaigns lists grouped by type and status with information about last campaign change date.
A maximum of 5 requests per second is allowed
Array of objects or null Campaign data | |
all | integer Total number of campaigns with all statuses and types |
{- "adverts": [
- {
- "type": 4,
- "status": 8,
- "count": 3,
- "advert_list": [
- {
- "advertId": 6485174,
- "changeTime": "2023-05-10T12:12:52.676254+03:00"
}, - {
- "advertId": 6500443,
- "changeTime": "2023-05-10T17:08:46.370656+03:00"
}, - {
- "advertId": 7936341,
- "changeTime": "2023-07-12T15:51:08.367478+03:00"
], - "all": 3
The method allows to retrieve information about campaigns via query parameters, or by a list of campaign IDs.
A maximum of 5 requests per second is allowed
status | integer Enum: -1 4 7 8 9 11
type | integer Enum: 4 5 6 7 8 9
order | string Enum: "create" "change" "id"
direction | string Enum: "desc" "asc"
For example: /adv/v1/promotion/adverts?type=6&order=change&direction=asc
List of campaign IDs. A maximum of 50.
You can get campaign IDs using the Campaign Lists method.
endTime | string Campaign end date |
createTime | string Campaign create time |
changeTime | string Campaign last update time |
startTime | string Campaign launch date |
name | string Campaign name |
Array of objects Campaign parameters | |
dailyBudget | integer Daily budget; 0 if not set |
advertId | integer Campaign ID |
status | integer
type | integer
paymentType | string Payment model:
searchPluseState | boolean Fixed phrase activity:
[- 1234567,
- 63453471
[- {
- "endTime": "2100-01-01 00:00:00+03:00",
- "createTime": "2023-05-31 16:57:42.654141+03:00",
- "changeTime": "2023-06-21 22:10:43.074183+03:00",
- "startTime": "2023-07-21 21:17:42.872376+03:00",
- "name": "Носки_Шерстяные",
- "params": [
- {
- "intervals": [
- {
- "begin": 3,
- "end": 5
], - "price": 400,
- "subjectId": 201,
- "subjectName": "Носки",
- "nms": [
- {
- "nm": 11111111,
- "active": true
], - "active": false
], - "dailyBudget": 0,
- "advertId": 12345,
- "status": 9,
- "type": 6,
- "paymentType": "cpm",
- "searchPluseState": false
The changed bid will appear in the campaign information within 3 minutes.
A maximum of 300 requests per minute is allowed.
If the rate to be set is less than the allowable rate, the status code 422 (Rate size not changed) will be returned.
Information about changes to the minimum rate is published in the News section, on the Seller Portal.
The procedure for filling in the parameters type
, instrument
, param
when changing the rate for a campaign with type 9 (Auction):
For 'type' it is necessary to specify the value 9 (always).
A value of 6 (deprecated campaign type) should be specified for 'instrument'.
For 'param' it is necessary to specify the value of the id field from the subject structure response of the "Information about campaign" method
advertId required | integer Campaign ID where the bid is changing |
type required | integer Enum: 5 6 7 8 9
cpm required | integer New bid value |
param required | integer The parameter for which the change will be made is the value of |
instrument | integer Campaign type for bid change in 4 - catalog (deprecated type), 6 - search (deprecated type) |
{- "advertId": 789,
- "type": 5,
- "cpm": 456,
- "param": 23,
- "instrument": 4
"Incorrect value for parameter `param`"
The method allows to run campaigns that are in statuses 4 - ready to launch or 11 - paused campaign.
5 requests per second are allowed.
To run an ad campaign with status 11, it must have a replenished budget.
id required | integer Example: id=1234 Campaign ID |
"Incorrect campaign identifier (RC ID)"
Campaign in status "9 - active" - can be paused with GET /api/v0/pause?id=***
5 requests per second are allowed
id required | integer Example: id=1234 Campaign ID |
"Incorrect campaign identifier (RC ID)"
The method allows to end campaigns that are in status 9, 11 or 4.
5 requests per second are allowed
id required | integer Example: id=1234 Campaign ID |
"Incorrect campaign identifier (RC ID)"
The method allows to get information about the seller's net, balance and bonuses.
1 requests per second is allowed
balance | integer Account, russian ruble |
net | integer Balance, russian ruble |
bonus | integer Bonuses, russian ruble |
{- "balance": 11083,
- "net": 0,
- "bonus": 15187
The method allows to get information about the budget of a campaign.
4 requests per second are allowed
id required | integer Example: id=1 Campaign ID |
cash | integer The field is not used. The value is always equal to 0. |
netting | integer The field is not used. The value is always equal to 0. |
total | integer Campaign budget, RUB |
{- "cash": 0,
- "netting": 0,
- "total": 500
The method allows to top up the budget of the campaign.
Allowed 1 request per second.
id required | integer Example: id=1234567 Campaign ID |
sum | integer Top-up amount |
type | integer
return | boolean Response return flag ( |
total | integer Amount of the updated budget |
{- "sum": 500,
- "type": 1,
- "return": true
Response when return is true
{- "total": 500
The method allows to get a costs history.
Allowed 1 request per second.
from required | string <date> Example: from=2023-07-31 Beginning of the interval |
to required | string <date> Example: to=2023-08-02 End of interval. |
updNum | integer Billing document number (if any) |
updTime | string <time-date> Time of charge-off |
updSum | integer Amount invoiced |
advertId | integer Campaign ID |
campName | string Campaign name |
advertType | integer Type of campaign |
paymentType | string
advertStatus | integer
[- {
- "updNum": 0,
- "updTime": "2023-07-31T12:12:54.060536+03:00",
- "updSum": 24,
- "advertId": 3355881,
- "campName": "лук лучок",
- "advertType": 6,
- "paymentType": "Баланс",
- "advertStatus": 9
}, - {
- "updNum": 0,
- "updTime": null,
- "updSum": 107,
- "advertId": 3366882,
- "campName": "золотая луковица",
- "advertType": 8,
- "paymentType": "Счет",
- "advertStatus": 11
The method allows you to get a history of top-ups.
Allowed 1 request per second.
from | string <date> Example: from=2023-07-31 Beginning of the interval |
to | string <date> Example: to=2023-08-02 End of interval. |
id | integer Payment ID |
date | string <time-date> Payment date |
sum | integer Payment amount |
type | integer
statusId | integer
cardStatus | string
[- {
- "id": 1036666,
- "date": "2022-02-04T09:06:47.985843Z",
- "sum": 600,
- "type": 0,
- "statusId": 1,
- "cardStatus": ""
}, - {
- "id": 55261296,
- "date": "2023-04-13T10:07:42",
- "sum": 1500,
- "type": 3,
- "statusId": 1,
- "cardStatus": "succeeded"
The method allows to change the activity of fixed phrases in search campaigns. Only for Auction campaigns.
Maximum 1 request per 500 milliseconds.
id required | integer Example: id=1234567 Campaign ID |
fixed | boolean New state ( |
"Некорректный запрос"
The method allows to set and delete fixed phrases.Only for Auction campaigns.
Sending an empty array removes all fixed phrases and disables fixed phrase activity in the campaign.
Maximum 1 request per 500 milliseconds.
id required | integer Example: id=1234567 Campaign ID |
pluse | Array of strings Fixed phrase list (max. 100) |
{- "pluse": [
- "Phrase 1",
- "Phrase 2"
[- "Phrase 1",
- "Phrase 2"
Sets/removes minus-phrases of a phrase match. Only for Auction campaigns.
The maximum allowed number of minus-phrases in a campaign is 1000 pcs.
Posting an empty array removes all minus-phrase of phrase matching from the campaign.
Maximum 2 requests per second.
id required | integer Example: id=1234567 Campaign ID |
phrase | Array of strings Minus-phrases (max. 1000 pcs.) |
{- "phrase": [
- "сло",
- "гу"
"Некорректный запрос"
Sets/removes minus-phrases of exact match. Only for Auction campaigns.
The maximum allowed number of minus-phrases in a campaign is 1000 pcs.
Sending an empty array removes all minus-phrases of the exact match from the ad campaign.
Maximum 2 requests per second.
id required | integer Example: id=1234567 Campaign ID |
strong | Array of strings Minus-phrases (max. 1000 pcs.) |
{- "strong": [
- "стоять",
- "лопата"
"Некорректный запрос"
Sets/removes minus-phrases for search. Only for Auction campaigns.
The maximum allowed number of minus-phrases in a campaign is 1000 pcs.
Sending an empty array removes all minus-phrases from the Search ad campaign.
Maximum 2 requests per second.
id required | integer Example: id=1234567 Campaign ID |
excluded | Array of strings Minus-phrases (max. 1000 pcs.) |
{- "excluded": [
- "что-то синее",
- "картошечка"
"Некорректный запрос"
The method allows to get the list of nomenclatures available for adding to the campaign.
A maximum of 1 requests per second is allowed
id required | integer Example: id=1 Campaign ID |
[- 1111111111,
- 2222222222,
- 3333333333,
- 4444444444
The method allows you to add and remove nomenclatures.
A maximum of 1 requests per second is allowed.
: It is possible to add only those nomenclatures that will be returned in the method response "List of nomenclatures in an automatic campaign".
You cannot delete a one single nomenclature from a campaign.
There is no validation by the 'delete' parameter.
If you receive a response with a status code of 200 and no change has occurred, check the request for documentation compliance
id required | integer Example: id=1 Campaign ID |
add | Array of integers The nomenclatures that need to be added |
delete | Array of integers The nomenclatures that need to be deleted |
{- "add": [
- 11111111,
- 44444444
], - "delete": [
- 55555555
{- "error": "Campaign not found"
The method allows to set or remove minus phrases.
1 request per 6 seconds is allowed.
Sending an empty array removes all minus phrases from the campaign
id required | integer Example: id=1234567 Campaign ID |
excluded | Array of strings List of phrases (maximum 1000 pcs.) |
Setting minus phrases
{- "excluded": [
- "first phrase",
- "second phrase"
"Некорректный запрос"
To get information on product cards, use the content methods Nomenclature list and Nomenclatures in trash. They are available with the Promotion token.
Returns subjects nomenclatures from which are available for all campaigns. Maximum 1 request per 12 seconds.
id | integer Subject ID |
name | string Subject |
count | integer Number of WB Articles ( |
[- {
- "name": "3D очки",
- "id": 2560,
- "count": 1899
Returns nomenclatures that are available for all campaigns.
Maximum 5 requests per minute
ID of subjects to get nomenclatures
title | string Product name |
nm | integer WB article ( |
subjectId | integer Subject ID |
[- 123,
- 456,
- 765,
- 321
[- {
- "title": "Плед",
- "nm": 146168367,
- "subjectId": 765
Returns campaign statistics.
Maximum 1 request per minute.
Data will be returned for campaigns with statuses 7, 9, and 11.
Important. In the request, you can either pass the dates
parameter or the interval
parameter, but not both.
You can send a request with only the campaign ID. In this case, data for the last 24 hours will be returned, but not for the entire campaign period.
id | integer Campaign ID |
dates | Array of strings <date> [ items <date > ] Dates for which information needs to be provided. |
dates | Array of strings <date> [ items <date > ] Dates for which information is to be provided. |
views | integer Number of views. |
clicks | integer Number of clicks. |
ctr | number Clickability metric. |
cpc | number Average cost per click, ₽. |
sum | number Expenses, ₽. |
atbs | integer Number of products added to the basket. |
orders | integer Orders number. |
cr | integer CR(conversion rate) is the ratio of the number of orders to the total number of visits to the campaign. |
shks | integer Number of ordered products, pcs. |
sum_price | number Orders amount, ₽ |
Array of objects (Days) Statistics by days | |
Array of objects (BoosterStats) Statistics on the average position of the product on search results pages and catalog pages (for automatic campaigns). | |
advertId | integer Campaign ID |
Request with dates
[- {
- "id": 8960367,
- "dates": [
- "2023-10-07",
- "2023-10-06"
}, - {
- "id": 9876543,
- "dates": [
- "2023-10-07",
- "2023-12-06"
Response for a request with the field date
[- {
- "views": 1052,
- "clicks": 2,
- "ctr": 0.19,
- "cpc": 0.09,
- "sum": 177.7,
- "atbs": 0,
- "orders": 0,
- "cr": 0,
- "shks": 0,
- "sum_price": 0,
- "dates": [
- "2023-10-07",
- "2023-10-06"
], - "days": [
- {
- "date": "2023-10-06T03:00:00+03:00",
- "views": 414,
- "clicks": 1,
- "ctr": 0.24,
- "cpc": 70,
- "sum": 70,
- "atbs": 0,
- "orders": 0,
- "cr": 0,
- "shks": 0,
- "sum_price": 0,
- "apps": [
- {
- "views": 228,
- "clicks": 0,
- "ctr": 0,
- "cpc": 0,
- "sum": 38.71,
- "atbs": 0,
- "orders": 0,
- "cr": 0,
- "shks": 0,
- "sum_price": 0,
- "nm": [
- {
- "views": 25,
- "clicks": 0,
- "ctr": 0,
- "cpc": 0,
- "sum": 4,
- "atbs": 0,
- "orders": 0,
- "cr": 0,
- "shks": 0,
- "sum_price": 0,
- "name": "Тапочки",
- "nmId": 111111111111
], - "appType": 1
], - "boosterStats": [
- {
- "date": "2023-10-07T00:00:00Z",
- "nm": 170095908,
- "avg_position": 348
], - "advertId": 10524818
Returns clusters of key phrases (sets of similar ones) for which products were shown in the campaign, and the number of displays for them. Only those phrases for which products were shown at least once are included in the method's response.
Information is updated every 15 minutes.
Maximum — 4 requests per second.
id required | integer Example: id=1234 Campaign ID |
excluded | Array of strings Exclusions (negative phrases) for products from the campaign. These are phrases that you set using the "Set/Delete Negative Phrases" method or in the personal account, in the campaign settings. |
Array of objects Key phrases clusters |
{- "excluded": [
- "Samsung",
- "Xiaomi"
], - "clusters": [
- {
- "cluster": "Phone",
- "count": 100,
- "keywords": [
- "Телефон",
- "Мобильный телефон"
The method allows to get search campaign statistics by key phrases.
4 requests per second is allowed.
The information updates approximately every half hour
id required | integer Example: id=1 Campaign ID |
object Key phrase information block | |
Array of objects An array of statistics. |
{- "words": {
- "phrase": [ ],
- "strong": [ ],
- "excluded": [ ],
- "pluse": [
- "детское постельное белье для мальчика 1.5"
], - "keywords": [
- {
- "keyword": "постельное белье 1.5",
- "count": 772
], - "fixed": true
}, - "stat": [
- {
- "advertId": 7703570,
- "keyword": "Всего по кампании",
- "advertName": "",
- "campaignName": "Бельё",
- "begin": "2023-07-03T15:15:38.287441+03:00",
- "end": "2023-07-03T15:15:38.287441+03:00",
- "views": 1846,
- "clicks": 73,
- "frq": 1.03,
- "ctr": 3.95,
- "cpc": 7.88,
- "duration": 769159,
- "sum": 575.6
}, - {
- "advertId": 7703570,
- "keyword": "постельное белье 1.5 детское",
- "advertName": "",
- "campaignName": "Бельё",
- "begin": "2023-07-03T15:15:38.287441+03:00",
- "end": "2023-07-03T15:15:38.287441+03:00",
- "views": 1846,
- "clicks": 73,
- "frq": 1.03,
- "ctr": 3.95,
- "cpc": 7.88,
- "duration": 769159,
- "sum": 575.6
Returns statistics on keywords for each day the campaign was active.
Data can be retrieved for a maximum of 7 days.
Information is updated every hour.
Maximum 4 requests per second
advert_id required | integer Example: advert_id=123456789 Campaign ID |
from required | string <date> Example: from=2024-08-10 Period start |
to required | string <date> Example: to=2024-08-12 Period end |
required | Array of objects (V0KeywordsStatistics) |
{- "keywords": [
- {
- "date": "2024-08-12",
- "stats": [
- {
- "clicks": 68,
- "ctr": 3.73,
- "keyword": "светильники",
- "sum": 565.75,
- "views": 1825
Method allows you to get the number of the seller's media campaigns.
all | integer Total number of media campaigns with all statuses and types |
object |
{- "all": 6,
- "adverts": [
- {
- "type": 2,
- "status": 7,
- "count": 2
}, - {
- "type": 2,
- "status": 8,
- "count": 4
The method allows to get the list of media campaigns of the seller
status | integer Example: status=1
type | integer Example: type=1
limit | integer Example: limit=1 Number of campaigns in the response |
offset | integer Example: offset=1 Offset relative to the first media campaign |
order | string Example: order=id
direction | string Example: direction=desc
advertId | integer Media campaign ID |
name | string Media campaign name |
brand | string Brand name |
type | integer
status | integer
createTime | string <date-time> Time of media campaign creation |
endTime | string <date-time> Time of completion of the media campaign (if any) |
[- {
- "advertId": 123456,
- "name": "тост",
- "brand": "goosb",
- "type": 2,
- "status": 8,
- "createTime": "2023-03-25T20:35:57.116943+03:00"
}, - {
- "advertId": 54321,
- "name": "тест",
- "brand": "bobr",
- "type": 1,
- "status": 7,
- "createTime": "2023-07-24T16:48:20.935599+03:00",
- "endTime": "2023-07-25T20:35:50.104978Z"
The method allows to get information about a single media campaign
id required | integer Example: id=23569 Media campaign ID |
advertId | integer Media campaign ID |
name | string Media campaign name |
brand | string Brand name |
type | integer
status | integer
createTime | string <date-time> Time of media campaign creation |
object | |
Array of objects Banner information.
{- "advertId": 23569,
- "name": "Реклама денег принеси",
- "brand": "Plank",
- "type": 2,
- "status": 11,
- "createTime": "2023-07-19T11:13:41.195138+03:00",
- "extended": {
- "reason": "Для возобновления показов пополните бюджет медиакампании",
- "expenses": 10000,
- "from": "2023-07-19T12:05:35.847348Z",
- "to": "2123-07-20T08:14:13.079176+03:00",
- "updated_at": "2023-07-21T13:25:31.129766+03:00",
- "price": 0,
- "budget": 0,
- "operation": 1,
- "contract_id": 0
}, - "items": [
- {
- "id": 68080,
- "name": "Унисон",
- "status": 7,
- "place": 2,
- "budget": 650000,
- "daily_limit": 500,
- "category_name": "Главная",
- "cpm": 351,
- "advert_type": 1,
- "created_at": "2023-11-01T15:40:46.86165+03:00",
- "updated_at": "2023-11-08T23:44:33.248229+03:00",
- "date_from": "2023-11-01T16:05:22.286002Z",
- "date_to": "2023-11-09T17:27:32.745869+03:00",
- "nms": [
- 123456,
- 11111111
], - "bottomText1": "string",
- "bottomText2": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "additionalSettings": 1,
- "receiversCount": 1,
- "subject_id": 6945,
- "subject_name": "Бельё",
- "action_name": "Распродажа! Создай себе домашний уют!",
- "show_hours": [
- {
- "From": 7,
- "To": 8
], - "Erid": "string"
The method concludes the media campaign - it changes its status to 7
A maximum of 10 requests per minute is allowed.
— template3
— rejected (with the possibility to resubmit for moderation)4
— approved5
— scheduled6
— running8
— refused9
— paused by seller10
— paused due to daily limit11
— paused due to budget limitadvert_id required | integer Media campaign ID |
reason | string Description of the reason for conclusion |
{- "advert_id": 123456,
- "reason": "Description of the reason for conclusion"
"Changing status is not possible"
Method allows to pause media campaign.
Transfers the paused media campaign to status 9
A maximum of 10 requests per minute is allowed.
the media campaign can be paused no more than 10 times a day. The day is counted from midnight Moscow time.
— approved5
— scheduled6
— running10
— paused due to daily limit11
— paused due to budget limitadvert_id required | integer Media campaign ID |
reason | string Description of the pausing reason |
{- "advert_id": 123456,
- "reason": "Описание причины приостановки"
{- "title": "unauthorized",
- "detail": "token problem; token is malformed: could not base64 decode signature: illegal base64 data at input byte 84",
- "code": "07e4668e--a53a3d31f8b0-[UK-oWaVDUqNrKG]; 03bce=277; 84bd353bf-75",
- "requestId": "7b80742415072fe8b6b7f7761f1d1211",
- "origin": "s2s-api-auth-catalog",
- "status": 401,
- "statusText": "Unauthorized",
- "timestamp": "2024-09-30T06:52:38Z"
Method allows to run paused media campaigns.
After the campaign is launched, it will remain in status 4
for 2-5 minutes, after which the status will be updated to reflect the current configuration of the media campaign.
A maximum of 10 requests per minute is allowed.
- paused by the seller11
- paused due to budget limitadvert_id required | integer Media campaign ID |
reason | string Description of the starting reason |
{- "advert_id": 123456,
- "reason": "Причина запуска"
"Campaign not found"
The method allows to get statistics of media campaigns.
id | integer Campaign ID |
dates | Array of strings <date> [ items <date > ] Dates for which information needs to be provided. |
object Requested time range | |
Array of objects (StatsBlok1) Statistics data |
Request with dates
[- {
- "id": 8960367,
- "dates": [
- "2023-10-07",
- "2023-10-06"
}, - {
- "id": 9876543,
- "dates": [
- "2023-10-07",
- "2023-12-06"
Response for interval queries
[- {
- "interval": {
- "begin": "2023-10-21",
- "end": "2023-10-25"
}, - "stats": [
- {
- "item_id": 62237,
- "item_name": "Gloria Jeans",
- "category_name": "Детям",
- "advert_type": 1,
- "place": 2,
- "views": 11849,
- "clicks": 209,
- "cr": 0.48,
- "ctr": 1.76,
- "date_from": "2023-10-21T00:00:00+03:00",
- "date_to": "2023-10-27T23:59:59+03:00",
- "subject_name": "Одежда",
- "atbs": 4,
- "orders": 1,
- "price": 175000,
- "cpc": 837.32,
- "status": 6,
- "daily_stats": [
- {
- "date": "2023-10-21T00:00:00+03:00",
- "app_type_stats": [
- {
- "app_type": 1,
- "stats": [
- {
- "views": 2017,
- "clicks": 27,
- "atbs": 1,
- "ctr": 1.34
], - "expenses": 175000,
- "cr1": 1.91,
- "cr2": 25
The method allows you to change the banner bid in the items structure.
Changes are only possible for campaigns in one of the following statuses: 4
, 5
, 6
, 9
, 10
, 11
A maximum of 10 requests per minute is allowed
advert_id required | integer Media campaign ID |
item_id required | integer Banner ID |
cpm required | string New bid |
{- "advert_id": 80474,
- "item_id": 41573,
- "cpm": 300
"\"Error in getting items: {x}\", Error details"